Big bad weddings
These anti-testimonial stories aren’t meant to bum you out, but to empower that little feeling in your stomach that just doesn’t want to deal with the whole mess of a big wedding but still feels some pull toward it. Heads up: that’s the wedding industrial complex and it’s meant to sell you shit you don’t need.
Laney and Mark spent $80,000 on their wedding…
They (she, duh) started planning it right after they got engaged, and it took about a year to plan. Both Laney and Mark own their own businesses – to say they’re busy people is an understatement. It took place at an old mansion on a cliff overlooking the water in Bar Harbor, Maine. There were 100 or so guests, there was champagne, there were oysters, and the photos were as stunning as the location.
Every single person there had an incredible time.
Except for Laney and Mark.
When reminiscing about the wedding, they fixate on the little things that went wrong: lighting issues during the reception, awkward moments between divorced parents, the fireworks going off at the wrong time…
It wasn’t BAD necessarily, it’s just the story we’ve heard 1,000 times over – no single day is worth all that effort, money, and time. When there’s that much weight on a day it's bound to be disappointing -- full stop.
We know what you’re thinking: “Hey, don’t sweat the small stuff!”. What we’re saying is this: the unbelievable energy, stress, money, and time that goes into planning a big wedding makes it impossible not to sweat the small stuff. You plan and pay for “a perfect day”, but alas. There WILL be small stuff.
We get it, you want your wedding day to feel special and to pronounce your love in front of people who are important to you. There are many ways to do that which don’t leave you with a huge bill and the sinking feeling that it just wasn’t worth the time, money, energy, and stress.