Rest in peace ________. You would have really loved Cakewalk. 

Here are characters who we think would have a Cakewalk wedding. 

You would love cakewalk_kendall roy

Rest in peace Kendall Roy you would have loved eloping during a manic upswing, regretting it, and crying in the bathroom afterwards 

Kendall Roy would spend a night doing coke with someone who didn’t know he was a Roy, would demand his assistant call Cakewalk, and we would marry them the next day in his billion dollar apartment. He would later regret this decision, but be really impressed with our services. 

You would love cakewalk_gossip girl

Rest in peace Georgina you would have loved getting chased out of The Met by security for getting married in the Hall of Armor

Georgina never really found love, but if she did she would (sort of) adhere to Blair’s social traditions by getting married at The Met, but she would need the adrenaline rush of fighting with security and getting chased out of the building to make it worthwhile for her.

You would love cakewalk_high fidelity

Rest in peace Rob you would have loved spending $3k on a wedding so you wouldn’t feel *that* guilty about leaving your husband at the alter.

Rob is two things—someone who wants a casual, affordable wedding, and a flight risk. We are the perfect hire for someone who is both of these things.

You would love cakewalk_desperate housewives

Rest In Peace Susan you would have loved to have a destination wedding in Midtown.

Can’t you just picture her and Mike ditching Wisteria Lane for the weekend to get married in “The Big Apple” because I sure can!!! They would hire us because they like our “get married in a New York minute” slogan. 

Rest In Peace Natasha you would have loved to have an “intimate ceremony” with just you and your husband before throwing a $100,000 reception 

Natasha would make us marry her at 620 Loft and Garden and then she would have a blowout party at the The Plaza. Is it very typical? Yes. But she’s a wasp! They’re not known for creativity. 

We think you’d love Cakewalk too.

Get hitched with us

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