Where you should get married, according to your zodiac sign (part one)


Aquariuses are getting married at an art museum. Sorry! I’m not entertaining a plant store or a weed shop or something quirky. I am an Aquarius and I want to get married at an Art Museum. Case closed!

Photograph by Kristen Piteo


Pisces shouldn’t get married because they’re really annoying. 


It’s my job to tell everyone to have a small, non-traditional wedding, but I do think every Scorpio should get married in a cathedral. 


Libras are cool and sexy. I think they would get married at Lincoln Center or Carnegie hall. Basically, all Libras remind me of Lauren Bacall—so anything with the old school New York glamour is going to be right on the money. 


UGH Virgos. The true squares of the zodiac. I guess get married in a classroom? Or prison? Because you love rules so much?

Photo by Parkers Pictures


This is an earth sign I can (and often do) fuck with. WORK.A.HOLICS. So, naturally, we’ll find them in the financial district. And people who work in finance love getting married on rooftops. It’s just a fact. 

Sorry if you hate you hate what we’ve chosen for your zodiac sign! We needed the clickbait.

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Where you should get married, according to your zodiac sign (part two)


In or Out—Wedding Guest Rules